For example: I bought the peach because I love fruit. I bought the apple because it looked delicious.

The Answer

To review problems that you have already taught, divide the room into two teams and have two students walk to the front of the class, with buzzers preferably, and say the answer to a question. If the students can tell you what the question is, they win a point. Do this until you have a winner.

Penny Grab

Hold a jar of pennies and walk around the room. Have each student grab as many as they like from the jar. When everyone has their pennies, tell them that they have to share one thing about themself for every penny they grabbed. This is a great way to get students to know one another and a hilarious turn of events when a student grabs a lot of pennies!

What’s That?


Hand everyone a sheet of paper, pencils, and crayons and have a volunteer come to the front of the class. The volunteer then describes something, or someone. The rest of the class draws the description. After the volunteer finishes, have the students guess what they drew and share their pictures.

Paper Airplanes

To review material, have each of your students create paper airplanes for their team. Then have them form two lines. Each person at the front of the line gets a chance to answer a question correctly. If they do so, they get a chance to throw their paper airplane into a box at the far side of the room. (You can also have a “help line', where another student helps the student who does not know the answer). The team that lands the most airplanes into the box wins.

Bullying and Responsible Behavior

When using these games and interactive ESL lesson plans, encourage your students to behave responsibly and to have fun. The point of interactivity is to feel relaxed and safe. It is your job as a teacher to do everything in your power to be aware of bullying in your classroom and to make sure that every student is well respected.


Interactive Reading Games For Esl Students

Interactive English Games For Esl Students

This post is part of the series: ESL Lesson Plans